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Victim Support Scotland Victims Fund

Our friends at Victim Support Scotland administer the Victims' Fund - a fund open to people affected by crime across Scotland, who are in urgent need of financial help as a result of what they have experienced. People can access assistance worth up to £3,000, for a wide range of goods and services where they have no other access to funds.

The Victims’ Fund is open to any victim of crime who is resident in Scotland and currently accessing victim and other support services. It is also available for people who live outside Scotland who have been bereaved by a crime that has occurred within Scotland.

The Victims’ Fund is available for specific costs and items in the aftermath of a crime. It is not a compensation fund.

The Fund will provide financial assistance up to £3,000.

You can find additional details about additional eligibility requirements, some examples of what the Fund can be used to cover and application forms via Victim Support Scotland at https://victimsupport.scot/victims-fund/ 


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