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Lifelink's group programmes explore four key areas of emotional literacy to help you understand how to manage your life and stress better.

Our courses cover:

  • Self-awareness – mental, physical and emotional.
  • Self-management – motivation, planning, self appraisal, emotional resilience and relaxation skills.
  • Awareness of others – understanding body language, empathy, visualising how others see themselves and their situation.
  • Relationship Management – communication, listening skills, negotiation, sharing and having fun!

Our School Based group work Programmes include:

  • Building Resilience and Self-esteem
  • Conflict resolution
  • Managing anger 
  • Dealing with Exam Stress

How do I access Lifelink’s Youth Services?

Services are available for Young People between 11 and 18 in specific Partnership Schools across Glasgow City, West Dunbartonshire and as part of the Youth Health Services in Glasgow.

If you are a pupil at one of the Partnership Schools, you may be referred into the service by a teacher, a member of the pastoral care or guidance team, a parent or carer, or a health, social work and educational statutory and voluntary sector agency.

If you would like access to our services you can:

  • Speak to pastoral care or a teacher at the school and they will make a referral into the service on your behalf.
  • Speak to a family member or carer and they can then contact the school to make a referral.
  • Telephone us on 0141 552 4434 and we will provide you with information about services in your area.
  • Complete our referral form.

What if Lifelink services are not available in my school?

Contact Lifelink on 0141 552 4434 and we will provide you with more information about services that are available for Young People across Glasgow City. You may also want to take a look at the other services listed here to find out more about what these agencies and organisations may offer you.